Max’s Fund
Established by Larry & Patricia Rodriguez in honor of their beloved dog Max, the fund makes possible the gift of health for Oʻahu’s canine friends in need of specialized medical care beyond what the Hawaiian Humane Society can provide. This has included life-saving surgeries, heartworm treatments and other intensive care so that we can make as many dogs eligible for adoption as possible. Specialty healthcare often costs hundreds of dollars and is only made possible through the generous support of Max’s Fund contributors.

Pamela Burns Fund
Pamela Burns previously served as President & CEO of the Hawaiian Humane Society for 27 years. She was passionate about improving the lives of both people and animals. The Pamela Burns Fund supports programs associated with the Hawaiian Humane Society’s low-fee, high-volume Ginny Tiu Community Spay/Neuter Center, a project near and dear to her heart. The clinic focuses on helping reduce animal overpopulation on Oʻahu by providing more affordable sterilization options for animal caregivers and pet owners.

Reid Krucky Memorial Fund
The Reid Krucky Memorial Fund provides additional adoption incentives specifically targeted to dogs who have been long-term residents by providing extra help to ensure they find loving homes. Reid was a young man who especially loved dogs and wanted to help those who were waiting the longest to find new homes. The Reid Krucky Memorial Fund has found success with encouragements such waived adoption fees, collars, leashes and bags of dog food.

Smudge’s Feline Fund
Smudge’s Fund is dedicated to providing specialty and veterinary care to cats available for adoption at the Hawaiian Humane Society with medical conditions that would require outsourced help. Long-time Hawaiian Humane volunteer and supporter Karen Scharff established the fund in honor of her beloved cat, Smudge.

Community Cat Fund
Hawaiian Humane Community Cat Fund is dedicated to making a difference in the community of managed cat communities by providing for spay/neuter services, microchipping, and vaccinations. Animal advocates and longtime Hawaiian Humane foster family, Carol Jones and Larry Jones/The Larson Jones Family Trust, established the fund to help control the Free-Roaming cat population.
For additional information or for questions you may have, please call 356-2200 or email Giving@HawaiianHumane.org.